
You can reload config using /ess reload config. (Note: Some settings cannot be applied using /ess reload config, you'll need to use /rocket reload instead)

  "Locale": "en",
  "PrivateMessage": {
    "FormatFrom": "(From {0}): {1}",
    "FormatTo": "(To {0}): {1}",
    "FormatSpy": "<gray>Spy: {0} -> {1}: {2}",
    "ConsoleDisplayName": "*console*"
  "UnfreezeOnDeath": true,
  "UnfreezeOnQuit": true,
  "EnableTextCommands": true,
  "EnableDeathMessages": true,
  "EnableJoinLeaveMessage": true,
  "ShowPermissionOnErrorMessage": true,
  "SaveCommandCooldowns": false,
  "EnablePollRunningMessage": true,
  "PollRunningMessageCooldown": 20,
  "ServerFrameRate": -1,
  "BackDelay": 10,
  "ItemSpawnLimit": 10,
  "AntiSpam": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Interval": 3
  "Updater": {
    "CheckUpdates": true,
    "DownloadLatest": true,
    "AlertOnJoin": true
  "Home": {
    "TeleportDelay": 5,
    "CancelTeleportWhenMove": true
  "Warp": {
    "TeleportDelay": 5,
    "CancelTeleportWhenMove": false,
    "PerWarpPermission": true
  "VehicleFeatures": {
    "RefuelPercentage": 20,
    "RepairPercentage": 70
  "ItemFeatures": {
    "ReloadPercentage": 80,
    "RepairPercentage": 80
  "Kit": {
    "ShowCost": true,
    "ShowCostIfZero": false,
    "CostFormat": "{0}({1}{2})",
    "GlobalCooldown": 0,
    "ResetGlobalCooldownWhenDie": false
  "Tpa": {
    "CancelTeleportWhenMove": true,
    "ExpireDelay": 10,
    "TeleportDelay": 5
  "Economy": {
    "UseXp": false,
    "XpCurrency": "Xp",
    "UconomyCurrency": "$"
  "AutoAnnouncer": {
    "Interval": 30,
    "RandomMessages": false,
    "Enabled": false,
    "Messages": [
      "<red>Automatic message 1",
      "<green>Automatic message 2",
      "<blue>Automatic message 3",
      "<yellow>Automatic message 4",
      "<magenta>Automatic message 5"
  "AutoCommands": {
    "Commands": [
        "RunOnce": false,
        "Timer": 120,
        "Commands": [
          "say \"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!\" 0 255 255",
          "item * glue"
        "RunOnce": false,
        "Timer": 900,
        "Commands": [
          "clear v",
    "Enabled": false
    Blacklist for /item & /dropitem
  "GiveItemBlacklist": [],
    Blacklist for /vehicle
  "VehicleBlacklist": [],
  "EnabledSystems": [
     Disable commands that you don't want use. For example, kits.
     "DisabledCommands": [
  "DisabledCommands": [],
     uEssentials does not override commands from other plugins, so if you wan't uEssentials to do that, 
     you'll need to specify the name of the command here.

     e.g: "CommandsToOverride": [ "tpa" ]
  "CommandsToOverride": []

Last updated