Kits Reference

Consider using this site to check if your configuration is valid.

If you are not familiar with JSON you can use the commands /createkit and /editkit to create your kits. See how to do that HERE

    "Name": "default",         // kit name
    "Items": [                 // items
        "Money": 150.5         // Money item
        "Xp": 200              // Xp item
        "Vehicle": 92          // Vehicle item
        "Id": 16,              // Id of the item
        "Durability": 100,     // Durability of the item, if not present, it set to 100
        "Amount": 1            // Amount of item, if not present, it set to 1
        "Id": 28,
        "FuelPercentage": 50   // For Gan Can's (28 and 1440)
        "Id": 2,
        "Durability": 100,
        "Amount": 2
      {                        // Example of Weapon item, you can also add Tactical
        "Barrel": {            // Valid attachments are: Barrel, Sight, Tactical, 
          "AttachmentId": 7,   // Grip & Magazine
          "Durability": 100
        "Sight": {
          "AttachmentId": 146,
          "Durability": 100
        "Grip": {
          "AttachmentId": 8,
          "Durability": 100
        "Magazine": {
          "AttachmentId": 17,
          "Durability": 100
        "Tactical": {
          "AttachmentId": 151,
          "Durability": 100
        "FireMode": "BURST",    // Valid firemodes are: AUTO, SAFETY, BURST & SEMI
        "Ammo": 30,
        "Id": 4,
        "Durability": 100,
        "Amount": 1
    "Cost": 0.0,                 // Cost per use.
    "Cooldown": 120,             // Cooldown (in seconds)
    "ResetCooldownWhenDie": true // Determine if the current cooldown will be 
  }                              // 'removed' when the player dies

Create kits using /createkit and /editkit:

Let's say we wanna create a kit that has a police car, 1000 exp and a Maplestrike.

First we create a kit the kit using /createkit. I'll call it coolkit

ckit coolkit

Then we add a police car to it

ekit coolkit additem vehicle 33

And 1000 exp

ekit coolkit additem xp 1000

And a Maplestrike

ekit coolkit additem normal maplestrike

And that's all. It was simple, wasn't it? You can also create a kit in-game, you just need to add the items you want to you inventory then use /ckit [kit name]

Last updated